Exploring the world,
one adventure at a time...

Welcome to Travelling Thoughts!

Travelling Thoughts is a safe place for me to tell you the whispers of my heart, the stories of my soul and the fleeting thoughts of my mind whilst travelling through life.

From the stories of the people that I meet, to the perspective of life that I have learnt to the tips and tricks of the destinations I have travelled: I truly hope you enjoy my content.

I pray that my love for photography will showcase my love for the world and that these stories, not only inspire you, but motivate you to seek beyond the physical and reflect on your own inner world.  

I hope to share with you that travelling is in two divisions. The first one, material, in which the body transfers from one place to another place.

The second way, the most beautiful of all, is by the heart, which turns from one attribute of God to another. Millions travel, but it is truly awe-some to travel by heart. To see the One in the Oneness, the light upon light, the Perfect in the Imperfect, is an experience words and pictures will not do justice to! However, I promise from the depth of my heart to try my best!   

Ethereal Thoughts

"the human being is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm that is the entire universe, so that everything that exists on the inside exists on the outside"

Sincerity is at the heart of excellence